Shocking Split: Medikal Announces Divorce from Fella Makafui!

In a surprising turn of events, Ghanaian rapper Medikal has officially announced his separation from actress and entrepreneur Fella Makafui. The couple, who were once the epitome of celebrity romance in Ghana, have now transitioned to co-parenting their daughter, Island Frimpong.

Medikal took to Twitter on March 30, 2024, to open up about their current relationship status. He stated in his post on X, "Fella is no longer my wife; she is the mother of my child. We are now co-parenting, and everything is going well." This statement came in response to a social media user who referred to Fella as Medikal's wife, urging Medikal to set the record straight.

The news has caused a significant stir on social media, with fans expressing shock and disappointment. Observers noted that both Medikal and Fella have unfollowed each other on Instagram, and Fella has removed the title "Mrs. Frimpong" from her Instagram username. Additionally, Medikal revealed that he has been blocked by Fella on X.

Rumors of their split first surfaced in 2023, but neither Medikal nor Fella publicly addressed the speculations until now. Medikal had previously hinted that marriage might not be suitable for him as a creative individual, despite his efforts to make it work.

The couple's relationship has always been under the spotlight since their lavish wedding in 2020. They welcomed their daughter, Island Frimpong, who is set to turn four in August this year. Their journey together has been marked by both public adoration and scrutiny, making their separation a topic of widespread discussion.

As Medikal and Fella Makafui navigate this new phase of their lives, their primary focus remains on the well-being of their daughter. The rapper emphasized that their co-parenting arrangement is functioning smoothly, and both parties are committed to ensuring a stable environment for Island.

This development marks the end of a high-profile relationship that captivated many in Ghana and beyond. As the story continues to unfold, fans and followers will be watching closely to see how both Medikal and Fella move forward individually and in their roles as co-parents.

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